Our packages

Insight Plus

Boost your performance with clear, precise, customer-oriented insights

Customer satisfaction survey

Comprehensive benchmark study

Access to SmartVision BI tool for tracking indicators

Digital Boost

Accelerate your digital transformation with a clear strategy and informed decisions

Assessment of the digital transformation index

Development of the digital transformation master plan

Digital transformation decision tree to guide implementation steps

Risk Shield

Protect your assets with precise, compliant risk management

IFRS 9 criticality analysis of the credit portfolio

Risk mapping

Access to SmartVision BI tool for tracking indicators

Transformation Pro

Master your digital transformation with a global vision and targeted actions

All Insight Plus, Digital Boost and Risk Shield package services

Drawing up the digital transformation budget

Drawing up the digital transformation roadmap

Design of 03 priority projects and Go - to - Market

Preparation of business cases for three (03) priority projects


Your shield against fraud, money laundering and terrorist financing

Defining strategy and business rules

Modeling suspicious transactions

Cotation des classes de transactions

Email notification to alert suspected cases

Access to SmartVision BI tool for tracking indicators


Build loyalty, reward and engage your customers at 360°.

Strategy definition and customer value modeling

Defining and segmenting customers according to CVM

Loyalty program definition and design

Definition and implementation of actions to engage and develop usage

Access to SmartVision BI tool for tracking indicators

Nos produits


Using artificial intelligence, we accelerate the credit renewal process for your loyal customers.


Using artificial intelligence, we work with you to design an offer of small credits for large opportunities, to improve customer satisfaction.

Our technical training courses

Digital finance

Digital financial education

Risk & cyber security

Inclusive product development

Data strategy and governance

Change management


SmartVision est un outil de Business Intelligence d’aide à la décision.  Il permet aux entreprises de mieux suivre les indicateurs à travers un tableau de bord interactif. La cartographie des risques, le suivi des indicateurs de criticité du portefeuille, ainsi que le suivi des indicateurs de risque de conformité et de blanchiment d’argent sont suivis à travers cet outil. SmartVision est la plateforme de gestion des produits AutoCred et NovaCred.

We're here to help

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